
Zone Raiders: a Miniatures Campaign Skirmish Game

Created by Fractal Basilisk

An open-model skirmish game where players lead bands of dynamic survivors within a crumbling technological megastructure.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Conflict Modus Expansion now Available!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 12:56:06 AM

Conflict Modus Expansion now Available!

Greetings Zone Raiders! We're proud to announce the full release of Zone Raiders: Conflict Modus, our first PDF Mini Expansion! Taking the foundation we've set with the Zone Raiders Rules, Conflict Modus adds new gameplay modes, missions and factions. Including:

  • 4 New Co-Op / Solo Missions
  • Rules for 36x36 Tables on Standard Missions
  • 6 New Fast-Play 'Close Encounter' Missions for 24'x24' Tables

Also featuring 4 New and advanced factions:

  • Motorunners, teams of scrappy, mecha-piloting adventurers
  • Rogue Immunocytes, strange machines somehow related to the inner workings of the Zones
  • Biokriegers, ancient warriors fused in biotechnological bodies with lost powers
  • The Detritus, mixed survivors and outcasts able to endure any hardship.

For your support, Backers should be receiving their download copy, check your inbox for more details! For anyone coming on later, you can also get it and more stuff at the Webstore:

With new art and exciting opportunities for dynamic gameplay, Conflict Modus has been a joy to work on and bring to the community. Thanks everyone for continuing to be some of the best faces in gaming I've had the pleasure to talk to! See many of you at the Las Vegas Open in January for open gaming!

Webstore Open and FREE Expansion!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 01:21:39 AM

Hey there Zone Raiders!

Two exciting updates for today! First up is that our Webstore is now open, care of our friendly local distributors. The Rulebook, PDF and Tokens are all available through the site below! 

Zone Raiders Webstore - Powered by ELW

Free Expansion now available!

As we had anticipated during the Kickstarter Campaign, Zone Raiders would be an evolving game with new content and possibilities for our community to enjoy. Today, we're happy to be releasing the first expansion to public beta, where the community can try things out and provide feedback! It is a 36-page PDF, chock full of new art, 4 new cooperative missions (including our most ambitious yet, where your teams must join forces to defeat a single giant enemy monster!), as well as 4 fully fleshed out advanced factions as we had previously previewed.

All of our backers should receive links through their email care of Backerkit shortly. We're quite excited to be sharing this with you, and will be aiming to take feedback as we refine these new rules to provide the most enjoyable gameplay experience.

That said, we naturally will have more coming in the future, and thank you all for your ongoing support!

What's Next? New Faction Previews!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 12:56:24 AM

Updates and Previews!

Hey there Zone Raiders, time for a new update of two topics: The current store, and a look at new factions we unlocked during the campaign for players to continue and expand their game. 

Store Update

First thing: We're going to keep the Preorder Store on Backerkit Open, but only for US and Canada while we set up a more permanent store page to get the books and tokens to you in the near future. Because Zone Raiders has a large deluxe book, costs are prohibitive to ship overseas without local fulfillment partners.  I really do regret being unable to send new orders overseas from this point, but we will look into how to do it economically in the future. But for US and Canada, we'll still be able to send orders as before.

That stuff aside, time for a look into our new expansion factions currently in closed testing, soon to be available in beta PDF for you backers!


Teams of mechanics, explorers and adventurers operate the powerful machines called Vectors to venture into the Zone, defeating threats to their people and acquiring the resources needed for another day. Clad in armor plate, powerful motors and potent subsystems, squads entirely of Vectors and their Operators can take on any challenge and return home for some more modifications in the shop.

Do you like big piloted mechs? Motorunner Teams consist entirely of them! Instead of being limited to just one Vector per force, Motorunner teams can field any number of these powerful vehicles, including specialized versions unique to them! Additionally, they can modify these vectors with unique subsystems, as well as specialized skills for when the pilots dismount!


A lost breed of ancient technology created the bio-organic beings called Biokriegers. Designed as living weapons from forgotten ages, each is widely different and possess exceptionally potent abilities ranging from radiation blasts to regenerating armor. Their purpose is mysterious and they are few in number, but their strength cannot be denied.

There are multiple types of Biokriegers, each of which features phenomenal strength and speed. They cannot wear armor, but come with powerful defensive and mobility stats of their own. Most importantly, each type of Biokrieger has a unique set of powers that they gain as they advance in experience. Offsetting such potency is their reduced numbers: Biokrieger teams are smaller than others and must still be handled carefully as they are far from invincible despite their strengths.

Rogue Immunocytes

Immunocytes are the deadly exterminators of life that frequent Matrioshka, but a strange new breed has become something different altogether! Self-aware and with bodies that range from deadly mechanical chassis to those mimicking human form, Rogue Immunocytes operate with new purpose and intelligence distinct from their murderous counterparts. 

Unlike normal Teams, Rogue Immunocytes do not gain experience unless they've accomplished their internal Directives, sets of programming that can range from gathering data during a mission, to even preserving the lives of opposing teams that are attacking them! To compensate, they're able to choose specific skills at recruitment reflecting their original purposes, as well as boasting resilient mechanical bodies that suffer damage more like their original AI-driven kin.


While most teams of Zone Raiders serve greater communities, some are formed from the remains of what is left. Disastrous expeditions, exterminated civilizations and random outcasts with little in common may form ad-hoc groups called Detritus Bands, and have nowhere to go but into the depths of the Zone. 

Uniquely, Detritus teams have a wide range of options for their composition. They have a small roster of drifters and specialists of their own, and may purchase extra-improvised labor equipment turned survival gear. Additionally, Detritus teams can recruit low-level members of Technomad, Reclaimer, Zone Stalker and Morlock Units to fill out their ranks, even bringing small amounts of faction gear to play! Although they are denied any of those team doctrines or any advanced units, this allows a huge variety in creating your own unique band of rogues, miscreants and adventurers!


There, that's a lot for now. Again, we'll be continuing to work on the game, as well as the store to provide an easier experience in getting copies post-KS. Until next time!

Mission Accomplished!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 03:11:45 AM

Shipping Update: Mission Accomplished!

Hello everyone, and I'm very happy today to make an announcement. 

Mission Accomplished!
Mission Accomplished!

All of our packaging and shipping for Zone Raiders is complete! Your packages should be in the mail and on their way to you within the next 2 days (depending on pickup mostly) but it's all set around the world!

Most of you will have gotten shipping notifications, and a few (most notably Australia) will get them separately from a local fulfillment partner when they get things. A handful of remaining US folks will get their notices in the next 2 days once things get processed in the postal service.

I've said it before and it hasn't been any less true since, but it's been an amazing ride in creating this game, meeting people of our community at conventions and online, and continuing to engage with you all. There's been a lot of lessons learned, and I thank every one of you folks for your patience and faith in this work of passion. One thing we did find was that a small batch of tokens in the US experienced some chipping while being unpacked. As a matter of quality and pride in our work, we were informed and reworked the manufacturing to correct it. We'll replace these tokens if they don't meet your standards, just shoot us a mail with photo and we'll be sure to get that sorted to your satisfaction.

Now onto the future. New PDF Expansions will be released in the near future, and is completing some tweaking before firing off. I very much look forward to continue supporting the community in enjoying the games and experiences that bring us together.

And of course, with the new art we've been getting, time to show off just a teeny preview of stuff coming next, since we're only just beginning.

Unknown Contacts Detected!
Unknown Contacts Detected!

Thank you all once again,

- Tony

Shipping Update and Secret Preview!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 09:51:25 PM

Looks like it's time for another update! Topics for today are of course ongoing shipping, a discount code from our partners, and a teasing bit of new art for our free expansion material!

Now where'd to drop off this package...
Now where'd to drop off this package...

So to start off, we're now happy to say that a little over 75% of our shipments are out the door! Thanks for continuing to support us through the process, and we're still extremely excited to bring you these lovely hard copy books and play-aids. Because we're working with our friends at Every Little War to support fulfillment,  don't be surprised to see emails from them confirming stuff is on the way.

International backers are going to be a little trickier and only a few of those have been dispatched so far but we can expect those to carry on. 

Ooh, pretty!
Ooh, pretty!

Also if you're interested, Every Little War's making laser cut terrain perfect for Zone Raiders (one of the designers they manufacture with, Australia-based Miniature Scenery, is featured prominently in the book and our con demo tables. Just dirty up the structures and you have a lost city!). They're giving a 10% off coupon, RAIDTHEZONE for entire orders, so thanks guys!

A New Challenger Appears!
A New Challenger Appears!

Furthermore, remember some of that expansion material we're looking at? It's coming along quite well with illustration from our talented artists and some more example models making the rounds. Furthermore with the co-op missions, we're looking to create smaller missions as well and rules for when you only want a 2x2 or 3x3 table for your deadly encounters or to introduce newer players.

That's all for now. Keep your eyes glued on the emails, remaining folks, and don't at all hesitate to reach out with any questions.