
Zone Raiders: a Miniatures Campaign Skirmish Game

Created by Fractal Basilisk

An open-model skirmish game where players lead bands of dynamic survivors within a crumbling technological megastructure.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Revised PDF and Shipping Update!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 09:02:35 PM

It's update time!

The first transport is away!
The first transport is away!

Our shipping is moving along, about a quarter of orders are out the door right now. We're aiming to assemble more packages, and are bottlenecked mainly by additional tokens arriving for packaging which we'll fold into more packages and fire them off in large batches. For our overseas backers, thank you for your patience as there's folks ordering from as many as 20 different countries! For that reason, we're being extra careful to make sure your order is exactly right.

Additionally, we've posted an updated PDF to Backerkit available for download titled Zone Raiders Rulebook - KS 1.0 Final, and removed the earlier ones. This includes very minor editing updates, almost entirely typos or editing adjustments found during the prep-for-printing process, plus a few catches from eagle-eyed backers! One rule change is that now you can in fact, recruit the Seeker Knight special character as a reward for accomplishing the Extreme Hazard scenario, good catch @pixel_kitty!

Ooh, new faction?
Ooh, new faction?

That aside, work is still ongoing developing that expansion material we aim to deliver! Some of the co-op missions are back in the shop for more tweaks, but the additional 4 factions and artwork are on the way. Check out this preview of a new team, with lovely models care of Spiral Arm, Mantic, and Baphominiatures!

For those who haven't seen as well in the Facebook Fan Group, check out this amazing Bio-Dome Battlefield by the talented William Mac McClelland! Now that's some ingenuity in reusing some old parts to create a stunning table full of tactical opportunities and narrative potential.

Update: The books are in! Shipping imminent!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 11:59:14 PM

Time to keep it short, and sweet.

  • Our shipment of books has arrived and without being further delayed by any freak acts of nature. With that and all of your addresses locked, we'll begin to send things out shortly! 
  • Team's still finishing up all the tokens, and those'll be sent as well in batches to get stuff in your hands ASAP as they roll off production and pass quality control. 
  • Additionally, we're still working on putting up the new scenarios, the new factions and others for you to test and try out in the near future, so we'll still be updating on that even as shipping commences!

It's been a fantastic adventure so far making this game for you and we're so happy to get to this stage. Now it's time to pack boxes and see more games to hit the tables. 

 Oh, and if you're a latecomer, don't worry. We'll keep the backerkit store open until current shipping's been completed. Just to let you know though, the existing backers'll get priority first!

Until next time!

Update: Fulfillment update and Lock your addresses!
over 5 years ago – Wed, May 29, 2019 at 01:51:17 AM

 Hey again, Zone Raiders!

So we're still continuing with tweaking and playtesting our various new scenarios and content for the supplemental release later, and waiting on new art and models to be completed. Lots to come up there! But more exciting, we're expecting shipments of the books and other components to arrive VERY soon.  Literally, we have notice that there's a truck being loaded.

Alas, we had hoped to be a few weeks ahead but spent a bit more time making corrections and reviewing proof copies to ensure quality. But we do expect to be sending out our books and other physical content quite soon! Likewise, an updated PDF will be distributed with the rulebooks containing some corrections and improvements that have been made just prior to printing.

So to that end, be sure that your address is up to date on Backerkit as we will be locking all addresses by this upcoming weekend, June 2nd.

That also said, feel free if you haven't already to check out the FB Fan Group where people are continuing to show off their models, games, and new stuff:  Zone Raiders Fan Group 

Thanks, and we'll be reaching out again soon as things update!

Backerkit Update and Beast Slayer Preview
over 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 01:21:32 AM


Hey all, so we had a good show at Kingdom-Con in sunny San Diego, talking with friends old and new while running demos! Always good to chat and play games with our wonderful community. That aside, just a few topics for today.

Production is ongoing, with final lock-ins happening at the Printers for our books. So far, it looks like we'll be on track to get things shipped out around end of May, so crossing the fingers there! 

A fierce skirmish demonstration at Kingdom-Con
A fierce skirmish demonstration at Kingdom-Con

Backerkit Surveys and Deadlines

For your pre-orders and backerkit surveys, be sure to fill them out before the end of April! We'll charge cards and lock existing orders in then to make sure all the numbers line up on production and to verify your shipping addresses! 

Likewise, if you have any issues receiving your PDFs after an order, be sure to contact us as we've had a few reports of that.

New Co-Op Mission Preview: Beast Slayer

Some of you folks out there have been good enough to share your experiences with our Cooperative Missions. So we'd like to preview one we're testing, which is a new type of Co-Op Mission unlocked as part of our stretch goals. There's a lot we'd like to put in and we're editing a write up for you all to try as well soon!

The mission is called 'Beast Slayer', and follows the story of the players encountering a titanic Immunocyte called an Annihilator. This engine of destruction has lain dormant for millennia until it's passive sensors detected the presence of life. Now it roars to life, tearing through terrain and people alike as it barrels towards a defenseless settlement programmed only to exterminate!  With precious little time to spare, the Raiders must stop it by feat of arms, traps, and ingenuity before it reaches it's destination.

Inspired by game and story classics, you'll have a set of possible way-points the Annihilator will go along the map on it's path to the settlement. The players will have a pool of resources to set up traps, ambushes, decoys, emplaced ordinance and other means to attack this huge enemy, allowing for careful strategy to be set up before the machine arrives. 

When on the field, the Annihilator has multiple systems that can be targeted to weaken it. By blinding it for example, you may force it to run into laid traps all while it crushes through terrain in it's way or deploys lesser minions to engage the players. Perhaps cunning players can use the environment to dispense plasma canisters for it to run over, or lure it to enter the sights of a slow-charging cannon to break it's armored hull by stunning it's movement systems for just long enough to get a shot off?

In any case, it's our goal for this new type of cooperative scenario to offer many new possibilities and replayability for our players. We'll post the preview rules soon, as well as further updates as production continues. 

Until next time, Raiders!

April Updates! Surveys, Production and Conventions!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2019 at 01:05:18 AM

April Update

Hey everyone, bit of a generalized update on what's been going on and some of our upcoming plans for today.

To start off, we're happy to say that production is coming along! We've got some time to go from the Printers, and production of Tokens and other items is underway. But that doesn't mean there's nothing to share of course!

As before, the Backerkit is open for just a little while longer. We're going to aim to lock things down at around end of April, and will give out some heads up before that happens. For folks who want to add more stuff or order if you missed the main Kickstarter campaign, you can still get them here here:  Store 

For our tokens being produced and the art panels, that's all thanks to our close friends at Every Little War who are hard at it laser-cutting wood, and acrylic, plus full-color printing to make these awesome accessories for the game. They're hard at it too, and we're happy to have them with the project. Check out their Site or Facebook for other gaming needs too!

Thanks ELW!
Thanks ELW!

Conventions and Next Development

For people out in Southern California, we'll be at Kingdom Con in sunny San Diego, this upcoming April 11-14th! We'll be playing games, answering questions, and handing out some freebies while we're there. Be sure to swing by if you're visiting!

See you there, Southern Californians!
See you there, Southern Californians!

What else is going on? Development of course is continuing on the bonus missions and additional factions from our KS goals. There's a bit of painting being done right now for example models and preparing the added artwork. We'll show off some previews in the future.

Fan Group

The Facebook Fan group has remained active, showing off more of their awesome models and work! We're thrilled to see people modeling, playing, and sharing their experiences. Check them out here!

Work in Progress Marauder AI Forces, care of Daniel Gutl!
Work in Progress Marauder AI Forces, care of Daniel Gutl!
A fierce battle in progress by Claudio Shephard, amidst the ruins of strange artifacts...
A fierce battle in progress by Claudio Shephard, amidst the ruins of strange artifacts...

Wrapping up

Okay everyone, that's what we've got today. We'll get you more updates and previews as things continue. One tidbit is that we'll dispatch a revised PDF right before we ship so that everyone can benefit from a few small updates and fixes we managed to put into the final files, and we'll see some of you guys soon at Kingdom Con. Until then, happy gaming!